Title: Kings & Queens (Kings & Queens #1)
Author: Courtney Vail
Format: ebook, 328 pages
Pub. Date: July 7th 2011
Source: Shut Up & Read
Two stars.
I'm quite disappointed in this book. A pity, but that's what happens when you judge a book by its cover, I suppose.
In my humble opinion, it's written like a mediocre fan fiction. The dialog sounds forced between characters, characters who I immediately didn't relate to. One of the reviewers commented on the use of language, saying that it's "how teenagers talk." I'm only a year out of my teens, & no one's speech habits or word choices have irritated me as greatly as these characters did.
Plot wise, I feel as though the book was muddled. Random comments popped out of nowhere to aid- I'm not sure if this was supposed to be plot twists or if it was just a quick fix to a plot line that she had just remembered, but regardless, the book was left with an overall vibe of confusion. Admittedly, that did get better as time moved on.
But if you can't grab your reader's attention from the very start, how can you expect them to continue?
On the positive side, the cover is gorgeous. I would have definitely picked this up if I saw it on a bookshelf. The lipstick hints at the YA genre & the red makes it look a bit dark. I liked that a lot. I just wish the pages inside matched.
-Thank you to Shut Up & Read for the free copy to review-
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