Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. This week's topic is:
Top Ten Most Intimidating Books
Now, it takes a lot for me to be intimidated by a book...... But I find myself hesitating to read books when I know that either A) Everyone I know loved it or B) everyone I know hates it. It makes me hesitant to express my true opinion on a book, since people are so quick to defend their own views. That being said, most of the books on this list are that kind of intimidation. These are in no order....

Let's start with this. It seems everyone and their mother has read this, and either loved or loathed it. Personally, I stand in the middle. I hated Ana & loved Christian. Some writing was good, some was awkward. Honestly, I don't understand both the good and bad hype.

And then there's Twilight. My very persistent friend suggested that I not see the movie until I read them, since the movie was worse and its fans gave the book a bad rep. (Her words, not mine.) This is another series that people love and hate, but I'm neutral. Do I think it's the biggest waste of space ever like some people? Absolutely not. But it is it my all time favorite? Nah.

This is another book that I was hesitant to read because of movie hype. To be honest, I don't get it. I didn't enjoy this book, and I was right to delay reading it.

I was intimidated by this book's content. I love Rooney Mara as Lisbeth. And I loved both movies. But, I'm not a big fan of crime novels. I normally predict the end relatively easily, and have issues reading fight scenes. I'm happy to say that I loved this book, despite my reservations.

This is another book that made me pause. I know with the movie coming out that EVERYONE is gushing about it. I'm really happy that I gave it a shot though, because I love

This book's story intimidated and chilled me. I read it when I was relatively young, and I wasn't sure if I'd be able to handle such adult themes. It's wrong to say "I love this book", because love is not the right word, but I do believe that every one should read it.

Oh, the religious controversy around this one! Don't get me wrong- I'm not Christian. But I wondered with all the hearsay & rumors & conspiracies if I'd be able to take it seriously. The answer is yes, and I adore this series.

I love J.R.R. Tolkien. But I read this book in grade school, and the huge vocabulary and massive page length definitely intimidated me- to say the least!

Yet another book with movie hype that made me slow to jump on the bandwagon. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad I jumped. But when everyone was talking about how violent or intense this was, I initially rolled my eyes. Now I completely understand!

I was intimidated by Forbidden because of its content. A love between brother and sister? Mighty taboo, even by today's standards. But the writing is beautiful and... Well you guys have heard me talk about this one enough!
How about you?
I loved Twilight, but it's definitely not my all time favorite. And yes, Fifty Shades of Grey is just awful but everyone and their mother (especially their mother) has read it.
ReplyDeleteI was pretty intimidated by The Forbidden too. I like to read about "forbidden" romances but incest is too much, even for me. Though I have to agree, the writing was beautiful.
Thanks for stopping by- I'm glad that someone else can relate :)