Title: Everyday Enchantments: Musings on Ordinary Magic & Daily Conjurings
Author: Maria DeBlassie
Format: Paperback, 200 pages
Pub. Date: October 26th 2018
Source: Author

Book Description:
Spellbinding meditations on conjuring your own bliss. Everyday Enchantments is a love letter to the magic of everyday life, the sweet moments and the profound that we often overlook in our hurry to get from one place to the next. This collection of essays reminds us to escape into the ordinary, find beauty in a simple cup of tea or rereading a beloved novel and joyfully let our world turn upside down when synchronicity strikes in the form of wrong turns down forgotten lanes and unexpected midnight conversations with the moon. Everyday Enchantments is a study in what it means to live deliciously, joyfully, and magically. And it's an invitation to conjure your own bliss, because, let's face it, we could all use a little more magic in our lives.
This is a quick little read, a book of short collections of thoughts about every day life.
I will say, that this book to me was very soothing. It's comprised of these little "everyday enchantments" that act almost like guided meditations. They're realistically written with a sense of calm and coziness that make it appealing to read. Because the book is divided into these little fragments, it's also very easy to walk away from and read a little snippet at a time.
I think that if there were an audiobook of this, it would be very peaceful and full of ASMR, and I would enjoy it very much. I think reading it loses a little bit of the meditative type tone, as opposed to hearing it.
Because this is written from the author's day to day life, not all of it was very relatable. I might, for example, know the familiar scent of coffee as I make breakfast on a Saturday morning, but I'm from the land of ice and snow and don't relate to a lot of the daily goings on in New Mexico.
I also know that this has nothing to do with the content of the book, but I adore that cover. Even that conjures up cozy images and draws you in.
If you're looking for something that might work as a grounding tool or for something to calm you down, I think this is a good option for you. You'll certainly relate to some of the enchantments, and might look at some things with a new sense of appreciation.
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