Title: Bob's Burgers: Medium Rare
Series: Bob's Burger's
Author: Loren Bouchard
Format: egalley
Pub. Date: November 19th 2015
Source: Dynamite Entertainment

Book Description:
While Bob and Linda Belcher have their hands full running the family business, their kids Tina, Gene, and Louise have adventures that you won't believe! The producers, writers, and animators of the hit animated show Bob's Burgers proudly present all-original comic book stories, including hilarious installments of "Louise's Unsolved Mysteries & Curious Curiosities," "Tina's Erotic Friend Fiction," and "Gene's Rhymey Rhymes That Could One Day Be Songs." Whether it's Tina's daydreams of cloning back-up dancers or jungle misadventures, Louise's explorations of underground tunnels and time-stopping Wonder Wharf rides, Gene's lyrics that reimagine boring Aunt Gayle visits as epic journeys to fantasy worlds, the Belcher family hijinx are guaranteed to make you laugh!
This is an okay collection, but I'm a little disappointed. This book includes 5 issues.
Each character gets their own little segment per issue, which is kind of cool. Unfortunately, Bob and Linda's pieces were really small and kind of uninteresting. It's a shame because while Louise is my favorite character, part of what makes the show so hilarious is Bob and Linda's couple dynamic. I mean, it is called Bob's Burgers, not Bob's Kids' Burgers. I wish the focus was taken away from the kids a little bit and was more encompassing.
Tina's stories were hit and miss. Tina's awkward, obviously, that's part of what makes her hilarious. But it was a little too awkward. I got a few laughs, but overall I was left feeling "meh". Louise's were right in the middle. Hers were more action-themed and interesting, and because I like her more as a character, I was a little more forgiving. The best segments were surprisingly Gene's, which were written in rhyme and were absolutely fantastic.
The art was hit and miss as well. Some stories looked really nice, others looked disjointed and off.
Overall, it's worth a look through if you're a fan of the show, but I'd rather watch it. It loses some of the humor when you can't hear it in their voices and mannerisms.
I received a copy in exchange for my honest review.